Sunday, September 25, 2005

Echo Beach

His redhaired son and Little Mermaid daughter are asleep

A sea breeze whispers them goodnight


Weaves with cigarette smoke and talk

Out into the dark of the olive grove below

Far away in time


Family man



Shirtless we push the wine bottle and conversation forward and backward like chess pieces while

A mantis knits and watches from the warm wall

We’ve agreed that Sotirios Kyrgiakos has settled well with Rangers

And what the thing about women is

Sheila at his side tuts in the Greek way that has become her

Fans herself

Strokes his leg

That Independence Day is Philip Roth’s best novel

Sheila and the mantis both look up but say nothing

That sometimes you just wish …

Then as a dog barks somewhere out in the night


Was it Ultravox or Martha and The Muffins?